I have been meditating on the word "cleanse" and the idea of purification.  To purify the body of toxins is of course the goal, but what of other purification?  How do I wish to purify mind and spirit this month?  What thoughts do I have that are toxic to my being? What is muddying my light and my spirit?  

I have spent many a year working on my issues with perfection and learning to combat the tireless inner critic.  Parenthood has a way of bringing up all the old issues and pushing all the buttons.  Even though I have thrown out most of my preconceived notions and judgements about parenting, the perfectionist has still reared her head.  I think it's that all the energy I used to beat her into submission every day has been used up and I don't have the energy to fight her.  So how do I cleanse the toxic need to be perfect?  The Buddhist concept of loving kindness calls for accepting all the parts of ourselves...whether we love them or hate them.  How do I accept and integrate the crazy parts of me?  How is that cleansing?  

I don't pretend to have the answers to these questions.  I am simply sharing the questions that are coming up.  If I happen upon any pearls of wisdom I will certainly share them.  

As for food, we went into central London today to the National History Museum not realizing that it is school break here and everyone is out with their kid and that there is hurricane -like weather on the way.  After returning home soaked to the bone, frazzled, overwhelmed, and feeling defeated by the big city, we let ourselves off the hook and ordered a delicious and nutritious Indian meal with lots of spinach and garlic...yum.  Perfection be damned!

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    Where we were/ Where we are...

    For two years before Carrie got pregnant, we were eating nutrient-dense foods and training for ½ marathon walks. We were losing weight and getting into shape. And then we had a baby. A difficult labor and C-section followed by complications, coupled with a collicky baby who wouldn't breastfeed meant that Carrie was out for the count and spent much of her time pumping breast milk. And her mom, who we had slated to feed us for the first two months of Gryffin's life was instead standing in to help Stacey as parent number two. 

    With all that stress our nutrition went out the window. Fast forward two years now and although we have improved somewhat, our nutrition is still a major issue and it seems all our energy goes into being good moms with little left over for taking care of ourselves and our relationship. Parenthood on our marriage has become a contested space and so we've decided to do something about it. 

    This 30 day Food Challenge blog is part of a collaborative project we are doing to reconnect to ourselves and reclaim our marriage as a top family priority. We will be talking, seeking help from others, connecting to spirit through journeys, making art and documenting our project here on this website.  This work will also be featured as part of Stacey's Masters degree programme at Goldsmiths – University of London.


    Carrie and Stacey have been creating together since they met in 2003.  Their collaborations include a seven year marriage, a two year old daughter, various art projects and yoga-art-spirit retreat workshops.  They are committed to furthering their connection to the world through mind, body, art and spirit.


    July 2012
    June 2012

