One of the things that has come to the forefront during this challenge has been the issue of perception. Our reality is based solely on perception. You know the phrase “change your mind change your life”? If you perceive things differently everything changes. I have been noticing how this is affecting my interactions with Stacey. For instance the other day she asked me to scoot over on the couch and give her some more room. She said it in a neutral tone and there was definitely room to move over. I responded in an incredibly defensive manner as though she were saying – why are you hogging the couch? She noted how defensive I was, something I have been noticing myself...I have been taking a lot of what she says as a criticism. Instead of responding to the moment at hand, I come to the situation with all the past baggage and with my own internal judgments first and foremost. I am so hard on myself, I assume she is judging me just as harshly and instead of finding out if my assumptions are correct, I am running with them. So I am living in my own little world of my own creation based on what is happening in my head and not checking in to see if that matches the reality of my situation. And it is causing friction between us. Isn't that the essence of conflict?

And again this is exacerbated by the lack of communication. We desperately need to check in to see how the other is thinking and feeling so there is a different subtext to our interactions. 

But how do we shift the perception? How do we acknowledge our own internal lens and remind ourselves that this is not the only way to see the world? I have some nifty shamanic tools for that which involve finding your perceptual lens and moving it about, which are quite powerful. Stacey and I have set the intention to do one of these processes about our marriage. Once we do it I'll let you know how it turns out.

As for food, Mondays are always a bit nutty and we are trying to keep the main goal in mind – nourishing the body.  Stacey had lunch at the best place on or near campus...cafe Natura which is an earthy-crunchy haven owned and run by our friend Dinam, pictured above behind the counter. (She got a baked potato with butter, cheese and beans—a London favourite.) For dinner however, we are letting ourselves off the cooking hook by ordering some very good Thai food since Stacey is going to be at school until late. 

We have a plan for the next two days to cook, when the schedule is a little less hectic. As things get crazier as the move date approaches, it will be a true test to see if we can keep up the self-care even when the stress is high. This, I feel, is the true lesson we are trying to learn – taking care of the self no matter what the external conditions. Oh, it's a tough one.

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    Where we were/ Where we are...

    For two years before Carrie got pregnant, we were eating nutrient-dense foods and training for ½ marathon walks. We were losing weight and getting into shape. And then we had a baby. A difficult labor and C-section followed by complications, coupled with a collicky baby who wouldn't breastfeed meant that Carrie was out for the count and spent much of her time pumping breast milk. And her mom, who we had slated to feed us for the first two months of Gryffin's life was instead standing in to help Stacey as parent number two. 

    With all that stress our nutrition went out the window. Fast forward two years now and although we have improved somewhat, our nutrition is still a major issue and it seems all our energy goes into being good moms with little left over for taking care of ourselves and our relationship. Parenthood on our marriage has become a contested space and so we've decided to do something about it. 

    This 30 day Food Challenge blog is part of a collaborative project we are doing to reconnect to ourselves and reclaim our marriage as a top family priority. We will be talking, seeking help from others, connecting to spirit through journeys, making art and documenting our project here on this website.  This work will also be featured as part of Stacey's Masters degree programme at Goldsmiths – University of London.


    Carrie and Stacey have been creating together since they met in 2003.  Their collaborations include a seven year marriage, a two year old daughter, various art projects and yoga-art-spirit retreat workshops.  They are committed to furthering their connection to the world through mind, body, art and spirit.


    July 2012
    June 2012

