
When we moved out of the apartment we are now back in, it was three months after Gryffin was born. Then we had a sort of potted planter garden which fell to neglect. I hastily cleared it out and put some of the remains around the side of the house. Now two years later, not even remembering I had done this, I found an overgrown mess of weeds and vines climbing up the water drain, but in the mess I saw that despite this area getting little to no sunshine, our thyme plant was thriving. 

I was so inspired I harvested a bunch and made some Thyme Garlic herb butter that I'm planning to put on the steaks I'm going to grill up for my father's birthday. 

Another funny thing happened last week too. You might recall seeing the basil plant I bought for the sauce I made at our first Sunday dinner. Carrie and I noticed a small green caterpillar on one of the leaves. We immediately showed it to Gryffin who adores and knows by heart the book by Eric Carle. To our delight we soon realized the caterpillar was using our basil leaf to create it's cocoon and in less than a week it turned into a beautiful yellow bu'fly as Gryffin calls it. We have now moved the plant outside so the butterfly can fly away when it's time, but it's a lovely thought that my sauce making is continuing to nurture long after our Sunday dinner.

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    About the Project

    "As I end this year to complete the Masters degree that combines my art practice and art teaching pedagogy, I am seeking to delve into the ideas of the Self and Connecting to Others.  My research thus far has focused on "Valuing the Self for the Artist-Teacher." Through this project I am now looking at community and the idea of "Realising the Self through connection with Others."


    August 2012
    July 2012

